Sometimes we liked any video, and we would like to save the videos from YouTube. Due to this, online streaming sites like YouTube, Netflix, Amazon Prime video, and many more have enticed a lot of users across the world. This has boosted the online streaming market. If you want to get rid of them, you'll have to resort to paying an in-app purchase.Now we all have easy access to the internet and this decade has brought the cheapest data plan, so we don’t have to depend on the WiFi connectivity. However, this app comes along with loads of adverts which in some cases can be very invasive and annoying, taking up part of the interface. Choose between two themes for the user interface: dark or light.Create playlists and video download lists.Go to the VIDEOS folder to see everything you've downloaded.You can do so in several resolutions and also choose to only download the audio in different qualities. Click on any video to start playing it.Use the manual search engine or resort to the suggestions to find the video you're looking for.Therefore, we're talking about an application that works as a client to play videos on these three portals and that also offers us the following features: Here we won't find the long list of websites compatible with the Android version or the above-mentioned aTube Catcher but it does allow us to download videos from the most popular video streaming sites (and we have to admit that its YouTube compatibility is all we really need). It's not as versatile as the mobile version but at least we can use a similar program without having to resort to an APK or emulators of the likes of BlueStacks. Well, to tell you the truth, this isn't the official version of TubeMate for Windows but a third-party development that takes advantage of the popularity of the Android app. It is so because it works really well and because it's compatible with loads of pages to download contents beyond YouTube or Vimeo, as it also supports social networks of the likes of Facebook and Instagram. If you use Android, you might be familiar with an application of the same name as it's probably the best app to download videos. TubeMate HD Video Pro Desktop: forget about downloading APKs and emulators Nevertheless, that doesn't mean that there aren't other alternatives, and that goes for software of the likes of TubeMate, for instance. Amongst the best programs to download videos from YouTube and other portals, we have to mention aTube Catcher because it's compatible with loads of websites that show videos including those that host contents for adults and it's really easy to use.